

YAYA DA DUKIYA BA’A KETARSU Complete Document Written By Rasheeda  A Kardam



All praise is due to God. I express my gratitude to Him, seeking His help and forgiveness, and beseeching His guidance in all our endeavors. May He order our lives and actions according to His divine wisdom. God, who is prepared for every eventuality, is the ultimate guide and the one without whom we are lost. I acknowledge and worship God alone, recognizing that there is no companion or associate with Him. I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger. May God bless those who follow his example with good conduct until the Day of Judgment, granting them safety and security. Amen.


I must acknowledge the inspiration behind this book titled “CHILDREN AND PROPERTY NOT EXCEEDED,” dedicated to my daughter Khadija. Many thanks for your support and companionship in this literary journey. May God continue to unite us in our endeavors.

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Coughing while doing laundry, she struggled to wash the clothes laid out before her. It became evident that she was exhausted, her strength waning. Gwaggo, arriving with additional laundry, urged her to continue, saying, “Khadi, hurry up and wash these too.” Despite her weariness, Khadi pressed on, revealing her dedication.

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Gwaggo, concerned for Khadi’s well-being, insisted that she complete the laundry that day. A mother-in-law, Rash, intervened, reminding Khadi to wash others as well. Khadi, fatigued and emotionally strained, endured a harsh rebuke. Gwaggo then attended to Khadi, who had collapsed, offering comfort and expressing her worries.

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While waiting, Malam Ahmad arrived and took charge of caring for Khadi. He ensured she ate and drank, demonstrating compassion for her struggles. Later, Khadi, determined to maintain her composure, fetched water, bathed, and changed into fresh clothes. The teacher and Heeba offered words of encouragement, advising Khadi to remain patient in the face of challenges.

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