In this narrative, Prophet Zulqarnaini engages in a conversation with the angel Zayafiylu about the worship of angels compared to that of human beings. The angel conveys that the worship of people cannot be compared to that of the angels in the heavens. The angels’ worship is continuous and unceasing, with some angels engaged in perpetual prostration, bowing, and glorification of God. They utter phrases like “Subhanal Malikul Quddusi Rabbul Malaikati war Ruhu Rabbana ma abadna Ka haqaq ibadatiK” which means “Glory be to the King, the Holy, the Lord of the Angels and the Spirit. Our Lord, we have not worshiped You as You truly deserve.”
Upon hearing the angel’s words, Prophet Zulqarnaini is deeply moved and expresses his desire to have a long life so he can worship and obey God to the fullest. However, the angel responds by asking if Zulqarnaini genuinely desires such a long life.
The narrative illustrates the humility and devotion of the angels in their worship of God and highlights the human longing for a life dedicated to God’s worship and obedience.
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