

In Egypt, there lived a wealthy man named Hassan Jauhari, originally hailing from Baghdad. He possessed vast properties, including estates, servants, houses, and even airplanes, surpassing others of his era. Hassan was blessed with a daughter named Alimasiya. She was not only beautiful and gracious but also possessed an innate charisma that captivated those who beheld her.

Alimasiya’s counterpart was Aliul Masiriyi, a young man known for his knowledge of the Quran, as well as a deep understanding of various technical and strategic aspects of life. He remained under his father’s tutelage, learning the intricacies of business.

Unfortunately, Hassan’s health began to deteriorate, and it was clear that his time on Earth was drawing to a close. In his final moments, he summoned his son and addressed him, “The world, my son, is but a fleeting dream, while the hereafter is eternal. Everything in this world is transient and shall eventually come to an end. I sense that my days in this world have reached their conclusion. I must return to my Lord. I leave you with this advice: If you heed it and conduct yourself accordingly, you shall not face poverty even after my departure. However, if you disregard my counsel and refuse to follow it, you will undoubtedly encounter suffering, poverty, and humiliation throughout your life.”

Ali Masiriyi responded, “My father, how could I ignore your guidance after having obeyed you countless times?” Hassan continued, “You should be aware, my son, that I leave behind vast estates and wealth that surpass mere money. Each day, set aside five hundred dinars for charity. By doing so, you shall never experience a reduction in your wealth. I advise you to fear God and adhere to the instructions of the finest of all creatures, Prophet Muhammad. Embrace his teachings, practice kindness, and associate with virtuous individuals. Act as a mediator between those who have strayed from the path. Seek knowledge from wise scholars, engage with the poor, provide for those in need, and avoid associating with wicked individuals. Refrain from engaging in dubious activities and oversee the affairs of your property personally to ensure they are managed wisely. Pay attention to your wife, as she is from a noble lineage. Treat her with grace and seek God’s blessings to have righteous children.”

Hassan continued to impart his wisdom and exhortations to his son. Ali Masiriyi was profoundly moved and tears streamed down his face as he responded, “Oh, father, your words touch my very soul, as they resonate with the wisdom of one who bids farewell to the world.” Hassan assured him, “Indeed, my son, I sense that my time is nigh.” With a reserved heart, he uttered his last words, reciting passages from the Holy Quran as his soul prepared to depart.

Following his father’s passing, Ali Masiriyi remained in profound sorrow, praying and seeking solace in the mosque. He maintained this grieving period, visiting his father’s grave every Friday to offer a special prayer and recite the Quran. His commitment to these acts of remembrance and honor for his father did not wane.

However, one day, a group of friends approached him, expressing their concern. They implored him to cease his mourning and rejoin society, as they feared that his isolation would deteriorate his health. Despite the temptation of the devil who adorned their words with false allure, Ali finally relented, setting aside his mourning period, and he accompanied his friends.

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