

In the city of Galma, there lived a wealthy man named Malam SHEHU. He possessed vast wealth, including money, clothing, goods, riding equipment, servants, and a substantial herd of cows. He also owned three magnificent horses that pranced with grace in their stable. Every afternoon, he would visit the stable, where his servants and townspeople seeking his financial assistance would gather around him, seeking entertainment and gifts.

Malam SHEHU’s wealth was renowned, and he sent his children far and wide to engage in trade. Some embarked on sea voyages, others traveled by car, while some assisted pilgrims and traders by providing donkeys, carts, or camels. His riches were so vast that even he had difficulty gauging the full extent of his wealth.

Despite his wealth, Malam SHEHU faced a significant challenge—he had been married for twenty years but had never been blessed with a child. He had married multiple times, and all four of his wives had failed to bear him a child. He spent exorbitant amounts on scholars and sorcerers who searched the town for remedies to his infertility, but none of his wives had become pregnant. The burden of childlessness weighed heavily on his soul, causing him great distress and troubling everyone in his household.

One night, he had a vivid dream. In the dream, he saw a beautiful woman in the house of Malam Audu, a fellow townsman. She was then taken to the market, where another man fell deeply in love with her. This man went as far as engaging in trade to earn her hand in marriage. When he saw the woman, he loved her passionately and offered a substantial sum for her, which was accepted. They were married, and the woman eventually gave birth to a beautiful son. However, when the child grew old enough to ride a horse, he mounted one, and the horse ran wild, causing him great pain.

Malam SHEHU awoke from this dream trembling and could not shake off the intense emotions it had stirred within him. He kept replaying the dream in his mind until morning. At his first opportunity, he summoned a local teacher to discuss his dream. The teacher, after performing ablutions and supplicating, listened to Malam SHEHU’s account. Afterward, the teacher advised him not to pursue this matter further, suggesting that it was a matter known only to God and was best left untouched.

Despite the teacher’s counsel, Malam SHEHU could not rid his mind of the dream and its implications. He realized that Malam Audu had a daughter named Zainabu and speculated that she might be the woman he had seen in his dream. The idea of marrying her to fulfill his desire for a child began to take root in his mind. However, he remembered the teacher’s advice and pondered the matter deeply.

Determined to explore the possibility, Malam SHEHU summoned Malam Audu to discuss his intentions. When they met, Malam SHEHU explained that he had seen something he desired in Malam Audu’s household and wished to discuss it. He then shared his dream with Malam Audu.

Malam Audu, upon hearing the dream, expressed reservations, explaining that Zainabu had grown up alongside a young man named ABUBAKAR, and it was widely known that they were deeply in love and destined to marry each other. ABUBAKAR was a hot-tempered young man who would not tolerate anyone else marrying Zainabu. Malam Audu also mentioned that Zainabu had no inclination to marry anyone else.

Undeterred, Malam SHEHU persisted and requested Malam Audu’s permission to meet with Zainabu to discuss his proposal. However, Malam Audu remained skeptical, believing that Zainabu would not entertain the idea of marriage with anyone other than ABUBAKAR.

When Malam Audu returned home, he shared the conversation with Zainabu’s mother, who strongly advised against pursuing Malam SHEHU’s proposal. She feared that it might lead to estrangement between their families.

Later that afternoon, Malam SHEHU sent for Zainabu, but she firmly declined to go. She sent a message through her emissary that she was already married and had no intention of marrying another man. Upon hearing this, Malam SHEHU’s agitation grew, and he grew increasingly frustrated with the situation.

Malam Audu’s wise servant advised Malam SHEHU to persevere and not be disheartened by the initial refusal. He assured Malam SHEHU that if he were persistent, Zainabu might eventually consider his proposal.

And so, the wealthy Malam SHEHU’s quest for marriage and the desire for a child continued, marked by dreams, uncertainties, and a relentless pursuit of his desires.

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